> Nominal_and_departments / The Fixed Assets Register

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The Fixed Assets Register

Accounts Plus and Accounts Professional only

If your company has assets, like a company car or expensive office equipment, you can record them as fixed assets and automatically calculate any depreciation in their value. By doing this you can keep track of what your company assets are actually worth, which is an important part of accurately valuing your company.

The Fixed Assets Register displays at a glance all company assets that have been recorded into your software and is accessed from Modules > Fixed Assets Register.

Asset RecordOpen this section

Note: Creating a fixed asset does not post any transactions to the audit trail.

  1. Modules > Fixed Assets Register.
  2. Asset Record > complete the Asset Record window as follows::

    Details tabOpen this section

    Asset Reference

    Enter up to 8 characters for the asset reference.


    Enter a description of the asset. This can be up to 3 lines each containing up to 60 characters.

    Serial Number

    You can add up to 60 characters for the asset reference or serial number.

    Location / Employee

    Enter the location or employee where the asset is allocated. For example, if the asset is a company car you can enter the name of the employee using the vehicle. You can enter up to 15 characters.

    Date Purchased

    Enter the date on which the asset was purchased.

    Note: The date is for reference purposes only. It is not used in the depreciation calculation to back date depreciation and does not act as a start date for the depreciation.

    Supplier A/C

    If required, enter the supplier's account reference.

    Note: This is for reference purposes only. No transactions are posted to the supplier's activity.


    From the drop-down list choose the relevant asset category.

    Tip: Assets Categories and the text label for the box can be amended within the Configuration Editor.

    Posting tabOpen this section


    If required, choose the department.

    Balance Sheet Depreciation N/C

    Choose the nominal code to be used for the balance sheet depreciation posting - Journal Credit.

    Tip: This posts when you run the month end option.

    The default Balance Sheet nominal codes are:

    • 0021 - Plant/Machinery Depreciation
    • 0031 - Office Equipment Depreciation
    • 0041 - Furniture/Fixture Depreciation
    • 0051 - Motor Vehicle Depreciation

    P & L Depreciation

    Choose the nominal code to be used for the profit and loss depreciation posting - Journal Debit.

    Tip: This posts when you run the month end option.

    The default profit and loss nominal codes are:

    • 8000 - Depreciation
    • 8001 - Plant/Machinery Depreciation
    • 8002 - Furniture/Fitting Depreciation
    • 8003 - Vehicle Depreciation
    • 8004 - Office Equipment Depreciation

    Depreciation Method

    Note: If you are unsure which method to use you must refer to your accountant for advice.

    The fixed asset register supports the following depreciation methods:

    • Straight (Straight Line)
    • Reducing (Reducing Balance)
    • Write Off

    Tip: Once you depreciate and asset you can only change the method to Write Off.

    Depreciation Rate

    Enter the annual depreciation rate.

    Note: If you are unsure which method or what rate to use you must refer to your accountant for advice.

    Cost Price

    Enter the original cost price of the asset.

    Note: If you were charged VAT and you have or can reclaim it then you should enter the net value.

    Tip: Once you depreciate an asset this box is inactive.

    Book Value

    New fixed asset - Enter the cost price.

    Existing fixed asset - Enter the current book value, the depreciated value.

    Next Depreciation

    Shows the depreciation value that will post when you run the month end.

    Depreciation To Date

    Cost Price - Book Value.

    Date Last Posted

    Blank - The asset has not yet been depreciated.

    Shows the software date when the asset was last depreciated as part of the month end. You cannot depreciate the asset again in this month or prior to it.

  3. Save > Close.

You have successfully created a new record. The fixed asset will start to depreciate when you next run the Month End option and select Post Depreciation.

Asset ValuationOpen this section

The Asset Valuation window includes more information than the Fixed Assets list, with totals for cost, depreciation to date and value available at a glance.

To access the Asset Valuation window:

The Asset Valuation window appears and includes the following information:

Asset Reference

Record > Details tab


Record > Details tab

Cost Price

Record > Posting tab

Depreciation To Date

Record > Posting tab

Book Value

Record > Posting tab

Total Cost

Cost Price column total

Total Dep'n

Depreciation to date column total

Total Value

Book Value column total

Asset DisposalOpen this section

You can use the Asset Disposal option to remove assets from the Fixed Assets Register when you sell them or write them off.

  1. Fixed Assets > Asset Disposal > complete the Asset Disposal window as follows:

    Fixed asset to be disposed

    Choose the asset you want to dispose.

    Posting date

    The date that you dispose of the asset.


    If necessary, choose the department associated with the asset.


    If necessary, choose the fund associated with the asset.

    Original purchase nominal code

    Choose the purchase nominal code that was used when the asset details were first recorded.

    Original purchase tax code
  2. The tax code that is used when the asset is purchased.
  3. Sales of assets nominal does
  4. The nominal code that is assigned for the sale of assets.
  5. Bank account
  6. The bank account to be debited.
  7. Gross sale

    The gross total value (including tax) that you sold the asset for.

    VAT on sale

    The VAT amount of the gross sale figure.

    Net sale value

    The net amount of the gross sale figure.

  8. Next > Post.

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